Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Technology Action Plan

Goal: To improve teaching and learning through the use of technology. Based on Sorters Mill Elementary’s 2009-2010 STaR Chart

Content Areas

Focus on basic skills and higher level thinking skills.
Encourage lifelong learning.
Provide connections between real world applications and lessons in the classroom.
Provide opportunities to apply skills learned.
Challenge and engage all learners.
Offer opportunities for smaller groups and individualized instruction.
Incorporate technology as an integral part of learning.

Technology Currently Available:

o Multimedia computers
o Televisions with AverKey
o Document Cameras
o InFocus Projectors
o Digital Cameras
o Video Recorder
o DVD Burner
o CPS Chalkboards
o Wireless Mouse

Current Integration of Technology:

Accelerated Reader & Math
Math Facts in a Flash
Study Island
Computer Lab
Internet Access
Brain Pop
PowerPoint/Word processing applications

Based on the research in Week 3’s assignment, one of the major focuses of my action plan is to get technology into the hands of our students. As you can see from the information above, Sorters Mill Elementary has technology available; it is just not being used actively with students in the classroom in a collaborative manner.

The first step in meeting this objective is to train the teachers to use the technology equipment available. They have to be comfortable enough with the equipment, software, and applications in order for them to even consider letting their students use it themselves. In-depth, on-going, regular, consistent trainings will be held throughout the summer months in order to have teacher ready for the first day of class. Teachers will be allowed time during the week to meet during the school day to collaborate on ideas and ways they use technology in their classroom. The focus at the beginning is on the teacher; he/she must be confident in their own abilities in regards to their use of technology. Principals will conduct walk-throughs of all teacher’s classrooms on a regular basis in order that teachers can be observed using technology in their classes. Teachers not seen using the technology available will have opportunity for specialized, enhanced instruction regarding equipment and software available to them but with which they might be struggling. These teachers will also be paired with a mentor teacher who can help them gain confidence in using the technology available.

Once the teachers are “trained” – within the first 6 weeks of school - the focus will shift to the student. Teachers will be required to take their students to the computer lab at least one hour per week for instruction, guided practice, and independent work. Project based assignments will be the focus for this period of time. Teachers will also have to include detailed instruction in their lesson plan as to how students will be using technology available. Internet based research projects will be an active, integral part to the teacher’s plans. Teachers will be given in-school time to prepare lessons, share lessons, and practice lessons that show active student participation with technology. Teaching teams will meet on a weekly basis to share instructional strategies and ideas. Principals will participate in these meetings on a rotating basis throughout the year.

Another part of this plan will be on the part of the students. A survey will be developed for students to complete that will ask them questions about their personal computer skills, including programs they are familiar with. The survey will also ask specific questions about their past experience with technology in the classroom setting. The survey will be conducted three times during the year; on the first week of school; one mid-year in January; the final survey conducted the last month of the school year. Survey results will be kept in “teacher groups”. Measurable progress must be shown by each teach in regards to the survey. Teachers whose students do not show measurable progress, will be required to attend further technology trainings during the summer.


  1. I think your action plan looks good. You have a clear action plan to increase the skills of the students with the use of technology. To this involves professional development of the teachers. You also have a plan to measure the achievement of your students throughout the entire school year through the use of surveys. Good work!!

  2. Excellent and very precise. You do a great job of equally holding teachers, principals and students accountable. That is how is should be in order to have a truely functional and well working campus. Your achievement measuring is comprehensive, covering the entire year. Great Job.

  3. Your plan was great. You are clear, detailed , and address every nut and bolt as you move forward. Awesome work!

  4. Sheri,

    Your plan is well organized and thought out. You have goals that are obtainable and you have effectively provided the faculty with the means through staff development that will allow everyone to master those goals. It's great that you included student input into your plan. I also like that you have administration involved with specific duties to perform.
